Who We Are

St. Mary’s Church, Frampton is one of fifteen parishes in the Stroudwater Benefice. We share a Team Rector and a team Vicars.

Here are some of the people who help run our church

Our Rector

Is Rev. Liz Palin, who was appointed to this role in August 2023. The date for her licensing is 7th December 2023 at 7pm at St Mary’s, Frampton. Prior to this she was licensed in April 2018 as Team Vicar. Before ordination her ministry was running diocesan retreat and conference centres. Before joining us she was a team vicar in Cheltenham, and is also the Diocesan Spirituality Advisor. She is married and has two grown up daughters, a cat and a dog!

St. Mary’s House, Frampton on Severn, Glos. GL2

email  tv1stroudwater@gmail.com


If you wish to arrange weddings, baptisms or funerals and for general enquiries, please contact      officestroudwater@gmail.com

Our team vicar

Is Rev. Dave Bishop, Stonehouse,

email  tv2stroudwater@gmail.com 


Chairman Rev Liz Palin
Vice Chairman Jayne Southwell
Churchwardens Janie Clifford  01452 740268
James Stewart 07483 249193.
Deanery Synod Jayne Southwell
Secretary Bob Roberts
Treasurer Martin Greaves  01452 740622
Minute Secretary Bob Roberts
Members Andy Hodson
Vicky Southby ex officio
Mary Rayner ex officio
Caroline Lumsden

Non PCC Roles

Health and Safety Neil Southwell
Safeguarding Officer Ann Greaves 01452 740622
Vulnerable Adults & Children
Electoral Roll Mary Pegrum

If you need advice with a safeguarding concern regarding children or adults, contact


Frampton PCC is part of a cluster including the PCC’s from Arlingham and Fretherne. The cluster meets together regularly.

The next cluster meeting will be on 5th March 2024 at 7pm in St. Mary’s church, Frampton. Everyone is welcome to come. 

The next PCC meeting will be on 21st February 2024

If there are matters you would like us to discuss please contact a PCC member.